The Wellbeing Application is designed as the “One Stop Shop” to track all wellbeing activities for employees, contractors, volunteers and dependents.
The Wellbeing Application has our unique TRAUMA TRACKER that allows your wellbeing managers to visually see at a glance:

What the average scene time was for each exposure type, against attending personnel

What actions have been completed, what are underway and what is coming up. Use of our Booking System to book out appointments up front.

What psychometric testing individuals have had and the results (e.g., DASS21, ProQal, PTSD Civilian Checklist).

How many wellbeing sessions (PEER, Pastoral Care, EAP, Wellbeing) individuals have had in a set period of time.

How many incidents in a set given timeframe an individual has attended. Builds a profile of risks.

What types of incidents individuals have attended (e.g. fire, rescue, death at scene).
Employee Overview Dashboard